Minimalism – find what works for you!
Minimalism may mean different things to different people. To me, a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean that you have nothing in your house. It means that you’re surrounded by fewer things, but that everything you own is either useful/practical, or it gives you true joy when you look at it and hold it.
When I first began purging, I wasn’t thinking that I was becoming a minimalist. I was just trying to regain my sanity. You can read a bit more about that here.
There are plenty of websites out there telling you how to achieve minimalism, some with very strict definitions, some encouraging you to count every item you let go of. Different methods work for different people, so if you want to record the number of items because you feel that it will keep you motivated and help you achieve the goal – be my guest! I am a mum of three kids though: I homeschool, we are renovating, we love to travel. Counting sounds just like extra paperwork to me!
If you are someone who likes to keep track of your progress, but counting each and every item seems overwhelming, consider other options, such as: taking “before” and “after” photos; finding an accountability buddy; or noting down the number of bags and/or boxes that leave your home, rather than individual items.
Find what works for you! Personally, seeing the house transforming was enough for me!
Plan and Schedule
Designating days and times for this process will help you significantly – whether you have children or not. It will be a commitment to yourself and you’ll get into the routine, which will help you progress towards your clutter-free home! So grab your diary and schedule in the time to transform your home into the low maintenance oasis you’ll love spending your time in!
If you’re a mum, you’ll have to be a bit more flexible with your allocated time slots, because we all know children are unpredictable! Follow through to the next paragraph for tips on minimalism with kids.
If you’re a full time worker, you could decide on spending 2-3 hours per evening, a few times a week. Schedule that time in your diary, turn your phone off and get into it! Once you start, it will become easier and easier to keep going! You will realise that your life is transforming, and as you begin loving areas of your home, the motivation to work on the rest of the house will come on its own!
Minimalism with kids
When you have young kids, it is important not to spread yourself too thin. Yes, achieving a clutter free home is important, but not at the cost of missing out on spending quality family time with your children.
When I first began this journey, I designated specific days and times to decluttering. I put a movie on for the kids, and that gave me an hour and a half to do what I could. It’s surprising how many things you can go through when you are in the zone. Sometimes I would put a second movie on for them, that gave me three hours total. If I did that all the time, I would suffer from terrible “mummy guilt”. By planning it into our schedule and making sure we had plenty of quality time around the decluttering sessions, I was able to purge guilt-free.
HOT TIP: Leave them with an easy access to snacks and drink bottles!
If your kids are younger, or won’t sit and watch a movie for an extended period of time, don’t stress! You can totally work around that! With younger kids, you can schedule your purging time during their nap time. For those children that just need to be close to you and have your reassurance more often, you can set up some “quiet” activities in the same room that you are working in! Puzzles, colouring in books, wooden blocks or Lego are all great activities that will keep them occupied for an extended period of time.
You can make it happen, you can transform your home into a space that is calming and makes you happy! You can do anything you set your mind on!
I can’t wait to hear how you go, please comment below to share your journey or if you have any extra tips! You can also get in touch through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter! Let me be your accountability buddy! ❤