I am a big believer that with many things, what works for one person, might not work for another in the exact same way! One of those things is definitely a laundry routine!
In Minimalism and laundry routine: Regain control and sanity, I wrote about two things that DO work universally when it comes to laundry habits: minimising the amount of clothing your family has, and creating a laundry routine to follow!
I can’t really tell you what your laundry routine should look like, because I don’t live your life. I don’t know what your schedule looks like, what your family wears on a daily basis, or what extra curricular activities you all participate in. This is why I have provided you with FREE PRINTABLES of blank routine sheets and an example of how you might decide to split your week. That was all here.
Today’s post however, is to explain what I do and how I have managed to stay on track with our laundry since minimising everyone’s wardrobes.
The Sane Mum’s Laundry Routine
- I use the delay wash function on our washing machine and set it in the evening to be finished in the morning when I wake up.
- I wake up and either hang the load or pop it in the dryer.
- After breakfast the kids and I all fold and put the load away as a family.
That’s it! Because we do a load each day, it is that simple to stay on top of the laundry!
If need be, a second load goes into the washer as soon as I remove the first one, and then I fold and put that one away in the evening or it waits for the folding and putting away the next day after breakfast. I have literally blocked out a time slot in our morning routine for folding and putting laundry away. AS A FAMILY. I can not stress that enough – they all have healthy arms, feet and a heartbeat, so they contribute!
The two steps are both as important as each other
Before I started the above routine, I was drowning under the amount of not only dirty laundry, but also the clean laundry pile! It was overwhelming and depressing! The kids seemed to change 20 times a day just because they could! They would knock the clean pile onto the floor either by accident while playing, or because they were looking for something to wear. Then the dogs would walk over it, or go to sleep on it… in short: it sucked and I hated it!
What I’m trying to say, is: a routine won’t work unless you minimise, and vice versa. It’s that simple! Even if you have a routine, but tonnes of clothing to wash, dry, fold and put away, it will take a very long time and hence become overwhelming – that’s where the routine will fall apart. In the same way: if you leave your minimised dirty clothes in the laundry basket for a week because you don’t have a routine, you’ll not only find that you have nothing to wear, but also that you have several loads to put through to catch up, resulting in a lack of motivation to do the job from start to finish in that day!
So yes, I am a huge advocate for both minimalism and routines, because they keep saving my sanity in every area of the house!
Quite frankly – since minimising and following a routine I actually ENJOY doing the laundry!
Join me! Be that crazy person who washes, dries, folds AND puts away all the laundry in one day! I promise it will change your life!
PS: I was named an expert in a Rent. article. Check out the featured article: Pantry Organization Ideas to Streamline Kitchens and More | Rent.
Great post thank you. I drown in clean laundry. I need a routine, which I don’t have.
These are great tips! With three kids, and 2 under 2, I have to do a load of laundry everyday or it gets unmanageable. Having a set schedule for when I fold and put away laundry, would help me not feel like I’m doing laundry all day long.
That’s exactly it! When you do it all day long, it can be so daunting! ❤️
I like your plan. I feel like I am always behind on laundry.
That’s exactly how I used to feel Cristy! My husband actually told me I should write about laundry, because he knows it used to be my biggest nemesis and he can see how transformed our laundry situation has been since I implemented these steps!! 😊