Welcome to The Sane Mum!
My mission is to help mums squeeze out all the joy they can out of motherhood! To help them distance themselves from the overwhelm, drop the guilt, enjoy the little things and create amazing memories with their families.
I bet you’re wondering who I am, so here’s a little blurb about me.
My name is Ania, and I’m a mum of three. We homeschool and live in beautiful, red, country Western Australia!
I love long and sunny summer days, the beach, freshly brewed coffee, reading, and feel-good movies. In my spare time I pull out either the sewing machine, or the hammer and power tools: it all depends on what mood strikes and on what needs doing around the place! I find building things, upcycling things, and growing things very rewarding! My latest interest is permaculture, on a very miniature scale! We’re striving to grow as much of our own fresh produce as possible, even though our house is on just over 300m2.
With all that said, the most important thing of all – I love minimalism and simple living, and I love helping mums minimise their homes so that they can transform their motherhoods! I know that’s a big statement: transforming women’s motherhoods! But that is exactly what minimalism can do for mums and that is exactly what my mission is!
If you’re still uncertain how simple living and minimalism can transform your life, have a look around the blog! You can start here with the article on the importance of minimalism for mums:

As you’re browsing, please say hello in the ‘comments’ sections throughout the blog! I’d love to get to know you! If you have any questions, post topic suggestions, extra tips that you would like to share, or if you need to contact me for any other reason, feel free to email me on: thesanemum@gmail.com or fill out the handy form below.
You can find The Sane Mum on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or
Follow my blog with Bloglovin.
Or if you’d like to e-mail me, fill out the below form:
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