I have this idea, to have a recurring post in which I can just chat to you about life. About my thoughts, ideas, what I’m reading, what I’m loving, struggles, joys and everything in between.
So let this be the first one in the series, where I want to talk to you about my latest thoughts regarding The Sane Mum.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. Trying to narrow down what I want from life, and what goes with it – what I want to give through The Sane Mum.
To do that, I started digging in deeper: to the beginnings of this site, to the hopes and dreams I had for it.

This is the photo this page started with, the first image over which I wrote “The Sane Mum” and uploaded as a header of the site.
When I started The Sane Mum I knew that I wanted to bring the message across to mums that motherhood can be amazing! That motherhood does not have to feel like all you’re doing is cleaning up after your children all the time. The media would like us to believe that that’s all there is to it, especially social media with their wonderful “hashtag mumlife” which often is fun, but often is scaring already overwhelmed mums into the belief that their life is just never going to get easier. I wanted to share our journey and show that beauty can be found and fun can be injected into little, mundane moments!
I’m passionate about helping mums enjoy their kids instead of just cleaning up after them! I believe that’s possible through simple living, gratitude and mindset. I’m passionate about helping mums realise that this is their life and they don’t have to just go through the motions of it. This motherhood season of their lives won’t last forever but the memories they create will last their kids a lifetime.
Let those memories be filled with love, laughter, playtime and experiences, not overwhelm and anxiety!
With the above, I’m excited to say a few small changes will happen on the website, with these regular “Sunday Sessions” being a new addition and with a couple of categories most likely disappearing from the menu bar. Those being “craft” and “renovations” because lets be honest – while I love both and will always want to share with you when I create something super cool – Sunday Sessions will probably be enough to cover those topics!
Don’t worry, the posts in those categories will still remain on the blog, so if you want to learn how to easily dye fabric at home you still can! :)
These changes will happen over some time as I’m defining my purpose more and more. Through that, I will be posting more often and I will absolutely love to hear back from you – what are your expectations from The Sane Mum? Who are you? Which season of motherhood are you in? What can I help you with? Lets get to know each other better!
Now lets get to the one thing I’m super excited to share with you this week: I found out it is possible to make Gluten Free Sourdough Bread!
I’ve been dying to let you know that I have made an amazing discovery! (Trust me, any person with celiac disease will consider this THE BEST news!)
A few weeks ago I was chatting with an amazing friend of mine and she mentioned that her dad buys her gluten free sourdough bread whenever he goes past a particular bakery on his way to visit her. She said it thinking that next time I’m in that area, I could grab some for hubby, who is celiac. Well, I took that a step further, seeming the bakery is south of Perth and we live in Kalgoorlie! It occurred to me: if a bakery can sell GF sourdough bread, then it’s obviously possible to make it!
And that’s when I did some research and discovered this little gem: a gluten free sourdough starter! Wooohooo! This week I received the parcel with it from iHerb and I can’t wait to share with you how baking my own gluten free sourdough bread will go! Hopefully I have some good news by next week!
And in other news: I wrote a guest post!
Book week has been something that you can’t have missed if you have social media and at least one parent of primary school aged kids on your friends list!
Photos of kids in costumes based on book characters have been flooding my feed.
We didn’t dress up to celebrate it, but this year I contributed as a guest blogger to Artsplorers’ book week series, if you’d like to have a read about the book Miss6 and I currently love, you can read my post about ‘Somewhere in Australia’ by Marcello Pennacchio here. It’s especially fun for us as we saw many of the animals mentioned on our caravan trip a few months ago!
Alright, this is it for today as Sunday is ALMOST over!
What did you get up to last week? What are your plans for next week? Let me know in the comments below!