Today is a day of reflection
They say you’re only given what you can handle. I have been very quiet on the blog in the past couple of months, as I was ‘handling’ lots of planned and unplanned things! From renovation fun and homeschooling, to being flown 600km to a children’s hospital with Mr9… Weeks have flown by and here I am, sitting down and finally writing this post that should have been a series of posts along the way.
Hence this is a post with multiple emotions weaved in: fear and relief, gratitude, excitement and stress, with a pinch of feeling like a terribly unreliable person!
While dealing with my own demons regarding the scarcity of hours in a day and the sleep deprivation, as well as dealing with the emotional journey of decluttering and packing up a whole house to live on the road for a few months, I certainly got humbled when Mr9 and I got flown to Perth with an infection from a burn injury on his arm. There is nothing quite like staying in a children’s hospital, to make you realise just how lucky you are!
I am able to write this with a little bit of distance now, as enough time has passed for the fear and stress of the situation to be washed out by everything else going on in our lives.
But what hasn’t left me is the gratitude
Gratitude for having three healthy children.
Gratitude that my son loves learning and hence knew his first aid the moment he spilt the hot milk on his arm, so precious seconds weren’t wasted.
Gratitude for our health system, as even though we live in a rural town, we received prompt access to the best burns unit in the Southern Hemisphere when it was needed.
Gratitude for technology, as we could call and video call my husband and the other two kids at home. Also, now we are receiving remote aftercare from Perth as well.
Gratitude for said husband, his love and support is everything!
Gratitude for family, who dropped a lot of things to be there for us, so I could head out and buy toothbrushes and undies the day we got flown in. Who spent endless hours playing Monopoly Junior to entertain Mr9… and who even snuck us out to the park a few times! (With the nurses’ blessings, of course!)
Gratitude for friends, both those who visited and those who supported us from distance.
Yes, gratitude overload!!
Now let me address why I feel like the most unreliable person. I’d like to think of myself as a person with integrity. I keep my word. I’m generally organised. But not in the past few months: things have just overwhelmed me and I need these two ladies to know that I am not this person normally! Because normally, when I say I’ll do something, I do it! On time. So my sincere apologies go to two fellow bloggers: Magda from The Togetherish and Megan from A Dash of Mum. I’m sorry for the fact that you have created some amazing content for me as guest bloggers, and I have not delivered when I said I would! Please do not write me off as a blogging friend! I feel I’ve connected with you, I love your content (seriously – check them out, people!) and I hope that over time I can prove to you that I am reliable. Also, my sincere apologies go to the beautiful Margaret from The Reluctant Stay At Home Mum for never getting back to you and accepting my Liebster Award! I feel very privileged to have been nominated, Thank You! ❤
I have also been unreliable to many of my real life friends, but I feel they know me well enough to know it’s been out of character for me. These three ladies however, haven’t known me that long, so I hope you can forgive me and give me another chance the next time our blogging paths cross!
I know reflection is just the first step, on its own it isn’t going to create change. That’s something that action does. So CLICK HERE to read Magda’s Full Week’s Vegetarian Meal Plan, which is the second part to her amazing Vegetarian Meal Planning guest post from a few weeks back! And stay tuned for the meal prepping tips from Megan next week!
Oh my goodness what a tough time you’ve had! I’m glad things are better and it’s all calmed down. After spending a few weeks with my youngest in a children’s hospital last year I can really agree that it does make you feel so grateful for even the little things. I hope all is well now and there are no more nasty surprises for you for the rest of the year! :)