There’s a lot to be grateful for in The Sane Mum’s world!
The page has been in maintenance mode for the past couple of weeks, as I was changing over to my own hosting and learning a whole lot of website related things while I was at it! Main thing I’ve learnt – I still have a lot to learn!!
Up until a few days ago, The Sane Mum was running under my brother’s hosting. I have a lot to be grateful to him for:
1) He knew I could do this blogging thing long before I admitted it;
2) He encouraged me, and in the end helped me sort out my hosting and website;
3) He was my number one fan before anyone knew The Sane Mum even existed, and he didn’t give up on me even though it took me three years to actually do something!
Now that I’m here, doing this, my circle of gratitude is expanding. I never want to take for granted that I have so many truly amazing people around me, who believe in me and keep me going. Firstly, those closest to me: my husband and kids! They have never questioned my ability to spread myself between housekeeping, all the projects we do, homeschooling, and now writing. They are the most important people in my life and knowing they’re with me means absolutely everything to me!
Secondly, even though our closest immediate family lives 600km from us, they are contributing in ways they don’t even know! Starting with my above-mentioned brother, following through to all the other family members I have shared The Sane Mum with since December. From asking how it’s going and checking the site out regularly, through proof-reading some posts, to taking some photos and even offering occasional writing for me further down the track – they have all shown me that they care and that they are behind me on this.
Last, but not the least, I am forever grateful to all my friends, both local and in all the different corners of the world, who probably aren’t even aware how much of a difference each one of their comments on a blog post and each “like” and “share” on Facebook and Instagram actually mean to a brand new blogger! *and if you’re still unaware, let me tell you: It means A LOT!! ;)
These are just my baby steps and I am so grateful you’ve all been here to help me take them! Knowing I have your support has got to be one of the most motivating factors for me to keep writing! You all are amazing, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being on this journey with me! ❤
I totally understand how you feel. I am new to blogging myself, and I know I have a lot of baby steps to make. Thank you for inspiring me to keep working hard to reach my dream, and to be grateful to what I have. Great article!!